Friday, July 9, 2010


Anyone that comes here, Visit my new and improved and much more fun blog:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Recognizing my potential...

I am coming to the end of an "era" and era of misunderstanding on my part. I have come to a point in which I must become something, or be left always wanting. I am finally discovering my full potential.

Life, with its many challenges from day to day can overwhelm the senses and block out the spirit. It can find within it a doom and gloom of which is not necessary. I am tired of being the "victim" of my circumstances. In reality, my circumstances are not all. I have hurdles to jump like every other human being, but really, motherhood is not an "emergency"! It's a time to embrace the fullest potential of yourself as a person.

I love my family. I love to create. I love to experience the joys that come with everything life has to offer. And there is SO much! I have ahead of me so many more years of love and creating! I can't afford to sit around wondering what it might be like, "if only" I didn't have kids hanging on me wanting things to do. I am going to make for them a world to explore within our home. I am going to create a place where I can explore my artistic side. I am going to put COLOR into every corner of this house. And not just any color, colors and patterns I ADORE. What is the use of having things you only "like"? Life is for us to LOVE.

I am an amazing Mom. End of story. I am going to start acting like it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Contemplative moments...

We went up to visit Deric's grandparents (on the Abel side) on Sunday and along the way I was thinking (since it is a long drive). I thought about how "Uneasy I was in the world". I know that sounds strange but let me explain.
I have noticed recently how many people around me are devoid of common courtesy, etiquette, and manners. How many people have you seen ignore the fact someone is driving and just step out in front of them as if they must stop because this person is special, like Moses and the Red Sea or something. How many people butt in line? How many people answer their phone when there is someone trying to have a conversation with them? How many people sidestep the responsibility of teaching their child that you shouldn't run into other people's yards without asking, or eat the food while they are at the grocery store? How many people just don't answer their phone when they just don't want to have to "deal" with whomever it is for whatever reason? Why have people become so rude to one another? Why so selfish?
The sad part is, I don't have a real answer. I can only speculate with my experiences and the changes I have seen in the 24 odd years of my lifetime. That I have even seen a change in people in that short a time is a testament to humanity. It used to be that people would smile at each other, hold doors happily, and even say "hello" to total strangers. People were friendly. I still do those things...I see no reason not to.
My thoughts are these: We are overwhelmed. Yes, overwhelmed with the zillions of possibilities for us each day that we have a hard time looking outside of ourselves. We don't slow down anymore. We are constantly dealing with the barrage of information coming in and out of our lives. Also, we have been taught of late that we "deserve" this or "deserve" that. Even if we have never worked for it a day in our lives. This attitude makes us selfish with our time and money. I wish I knew how to change it back to the way it was. But, it's lost in the world. The least I can do is instill these traits in my children.

Since Sunday I have continued thinking about all sorts of things. It occurred to me that the reason women hate it so much when their husbands "try to fix them" is because that implies that they were "broken" in the first place. That is a hard thing for women to handle. We are extremely hard on ourselves. Even if what has happened has nothing whatsoever to do with us. We take on all responsibility for the world. Which is just not right. This may also explain why women are hesitant to go to counselors for any number of issues.

I also realized that I am a rare breed of mother that is under no disillusion about my children. I know they are amazing individuals, and that they have so much potential and so much ability. But, I also know that they can be bratty, and they can be obnoxious and mean. When other moms say things like, "My little child is so smart, they are so kind and sweet" and the next moment this kid is bashing in other kid's heads I have to laugh. Then the mom is reprimanding by saying, "Oh hun, you know, you shouldn't do that". I just have to cringe. I let them know it's wrong...not just "something maybe you shouldn't do". Haha! I love my kids dearly, but when they are acting badly I don't cater to them at all.

Anywho, just some little tidbits I have been contemplating. I hope to start feeling more "easy in my world" soon. I need to just realize that this little family is the only thing that I can really count on fully.

Friday, May 14, 2010


That's how much I sold at my yard sale today. It's a wonderful thing to get rid of things you don't need in exchange for money. $103.75 of that is my money. :) I'm hoping tomorrow will go even better. It was pretty slow today for a Friday. I think everyone was apprehensive about the weather. I am planning on a bright sunshiny day it better deliver! ;-)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Facelift for my Blog...

I hope you all enjoy the new things I have done to my blog. It's all very aesthetically pleasing now! I also have tickers for my kid's birthdays and our trips and anniversary, and even for how long I've been breastfeeding! (Some of you may not care, but it's a big accomplishment for me since only something like 7% of women get this far anymore!)

Tomorrow and Saturday is my BIG ANNUAL YARD SALE! I am super excited. I have to call around and double check with people about bringing things. It may be smaller this year than it has been, but it's always fun for me to do. Don't ask why, I can't explain it. I am a yard sale junkie! I hope to sell all my stuff so I have money to spend at yard sales. Haha!

We got pictures taken for Mother's Day to give to all the Moms and Grandmas. :) Here they are:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dedicated to my kids...

Today is Mother's Day. I got a book from Deric and the girls.

Something cute River said the other day:

I gave her some of my homemade applesauce and she asked for more saying, "Mommy, can I have some more apple sugar?" :)

We went into her bedroom the other night and Moss had murdered a robin in there. It was a major mess...blood and feathers EVERYWHERE. The bad thing was I didn't notice until we were both fully in the room. Then I told River to come with me quickly, she was freaking out a little. Poor thing. We evacuated and went up the stairs. Deric, hearing all the commotion asked us, "Is it really that bad?" River said as concerned as can be, "Yes Daddy, it's really that bad!" It took us half an hour to clean everything up. Yuck.

Molly is adoring "running around" on the couch. She climbs all over it and goes head-first off the side onto the pillows on the floor. (that we put there for safety purposes) She could just do that for hours! It's too cute!

I had an impression the other day that Molly might just have a special purpose in this life. Like a mission. I don't know what exactly, but I just distinctly felt that when I looked at her the other day being so sweet and loving. She is a true sweetheart.

I love my kids, they are the greatest joy I could have ever been given. I hope to always love them as deeply as I do now, and deeper. I bore my testimony today that though Mothers tend to be down on themselves and never feel like they are doing enough they shouldn't worry. Because I know one thing is for sure, Christ loves us, and he would never be so cruel as to expect us to be perfect. I know that. If that's all I ever know, it is enough.

Happy Mother's Day all!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

will it end???

It sadly has been snowing for the last week here...ugh.

SO, Deric is snowmobiling today. We skipped out on camping because of the weather, and the fact our kids are still getting over their sinus infections. We didn't want to deal with sleepless nights.

Molly has slept through the night twice this week! That is a HUGE success. I hope that she will keep it up. I am really worn out from the waking up so much at night. I have been letting her cry herself back to sleep a little and last night I put her to bed tired but not asleep. I also fed her cereal right before bed. I think we will do that from now on...

We went to our friend, Gina's, surprise party last night. It was really nice to get out of the house...albeit only for about 2 hours. Still...every little bit counts for me, since I am so rarely able to get out without the kids. But, since Joan seems to not be too thrilled about watching them in the evenings, I think from now on if we go out then we will find someone else to watch our kids so we can actually stay the whole time for these things. We always have to be back by 9 or earlier because she can't handle the "late" hour. Oh well...It was bound to happen.

Well, gonna nap a minute.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well, I am approaching the Easter Holiday this weekend. We are going to be up at Crystal Hot Springs with Monica and fam(Deric's half sister). It will be Conference weekend, so we will be watching it in our trailer. The reality is it is supposed to rain the whole time, so what better weekend of camping for that to happen than this one! But, this will be our first camping trip of the season. The next weekend will be Deric's LAST snowmobile trip of the season. :) YAY!

Easter is always one of those holidays that we don't do a whole lot with. Easter baskets, and Conference mostly...but we hope to keep the tradition of it being our first camping trip each year since we don't have any extended family that we can really spend it with. (Monica really just stays in her trailer the whole time...haha!) But as our kids get older maybe we can make it a little more interesting and fun! (maybe I'll do an egg hunt for River this year in our trailer...)

Ginny will be here from the 9-11th which will be nice. I haven't seen her since Molly was about 2 1/2 weeks old. (She will be 8 months old on the 7th--crazy!) Ginny will be bringing her boyfriend Greg. :-) I'm excited to meet him! (though, seems he is a little apprehensive himself...) Muahahahaha! ;-) River is always asking for her, so it will be nice for them to get to bond a little more.

I accomplished my indoor Spring cleaning so far. I also did the trailer and carport. Now all that is left is the yard projects (and my storage room/emergency preparedness stuff). I'm pretty proud of us. We built our square foot gardens and have peas planted. I am also putting together some of the playground things so that will emerge in the next month or so. Deric is wanting to build a deck under/around our tree by the playground where we can put our fire pit and chairs to hang out back there when the kids are playing. I really like the idea, and I think it is something we would really use since it is in the shade and near the kids' play area. He said he might even do it this year. Which would be really nice. :-)

We are all sick AGAIN. I haven't worked out in so long...I feel like a slug. I hope that this weekend brings health, and the ability to kick it into gear for my exercise program again! I neeeeeeed to get in shape! I want to lose 10lbs at *least*.

I had a Hollywood themed girl's night on Saturday. It was really fun to sit and chat with my friends Heidi, Marcie, and Alaris. (that was who showed up) We had an award ceremony for our celebrity costumes, chatted, had a magic show by Deric, played a little DDR, and ate food. I have been eating it ever since, I'm sure it is contributing to my feeling gross...Ah well, it's nice to get some girl time on occasion. It seems they want to do it again too!

Well, off to accomplish something...toodles!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

An upset...

After two weeks of battling sickness and ornery-non-sleeping Molly child I am finally to the point I can start my exercising again. Tomorrow I will begin again.

No the upsetting part: The stupid Wii fit says I am "overweight". Grand, now I have like 20lbs to lose, as opposed to my 11lbs that I thought I was down to....*grumble, grumble, grumble*.

Anyway, I have made my "spring cleaning" list. I rearranged the living room a little. I got out my scrapbooks and started figuring out what I need to do to get caught up. AND, I am going to be making those awesome homemade chocolate dipped Easter Eggs this week. :-D Yay!

Easter weekend will be our annual camping trip with Monica and her family. Conference is that weekend so we watch it in the trailer. :-) I'm excited for this season to get under way!

Molly has 2 teeth that have pushed through...and I think I am paying for it. She slept only 4 hours last night

.....heaven help me!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Down 4 pounds...

I have managed to exercise on average every other day. (meaning, not really every other day, but pretty much every day for like 4 days and then not until 4 days later...haha) But, I have still managed to drop just about 4 pounds. According to the wii measurements. So, I am not positive it is totally true. BUT, I think that I look skinnier and my belly is flatter. I eat less too. Which is a major plus. Not snacking like I used to.

My head is in a whirl....just so much going on up there. I don't know how to slow it down either.

I planned out my garden (this is what I am planting):
California Poppy
Viola-Johnny Jump Ups
Sweet bell peppers
Green Bell peppers
pumpkin-jack o lantern
green beans-bush
turnip-purple top

I got the vermiculite, weed barrier, and the peat moss. So, we are getting closer to getting started! :-)